Art And Design Integrative Elective Program

An integrated series of electives tie into this western survey of humanities. These include the following:

  • Engineering - Applies methods from historic discoveries to product design. Explores retrospective and current economic/social impacts

  • 2D and 3D design - Design principles from schools down the ages and influenced by Mathematicians, cultural critics, rebels and traditionalists.

  • Robotics and Ethics - which traces the history of the ideas in pop culture for robotics, the underlying philosophies, the manifest fears in pop culture, the modern day applications and learning methods and the future possibilities that raise serious ethical concerns.

  • Art and Bio-Mimicry - Bio-inspired art and design down the ages and applies them to hands on design projects that include product, architecture and textile design

  • Product Design - Applies design thinking to iterative design projects which culminate in functional design projects through a full lifecycle lens.

  • Home Construction: Methods - Foundational building methods passed down the ages from the Greeks to contemporary home construction.

  • Home Construction: Sustainability - New and alternative ways to design and build based on sustainable practices.

  • Botany, Medicine and Food Systems - Historic, cultural and indigenous plant knowledge, tree systems, permaculture, garden systems, sustainable food systems, through a year long semester program that teaches both theory and practice.

  • Service Centered Entrepreneurship: Creates opportunities for new ideas and piloting them in a small test market of competing ideas. Students will be tasked to develop an application of service, be it as a product or service idea from concept to execution and learning adaptive strategies through feedback loops and metrics of growth. Also applies a sustainable minded approach to growth and how to foster alternative methods of sustainability amidst a GDP defined economy.

  • Digital Design: Citizenship - Essential coding and web design through a lens of digital ethics.

  • Digital Design: Illustration - Photoshop and Pro-Create methods of illustrating toward commercially viable designs be it for print or online.

  • Remote Control - Robotics and remote controlling of systems. Gamers are especially adept for this class and it teaches greater targeted skills in remote operating robotic systems and digital interfaces. The class begins with Minecraft and quickly into more advanced software for learning operating skills. These will be the skills of the future

  • Art and Western Culture I: Western ideas which led to innovations for politics, architecture, art,and philosophies that still drive our western ethos in America. We end with a brief exploration of the global age of exploration and how a more globalized world shaped the next 500 years.

  • Art and Western Culture II: The great wars and the changing ideas of Europe in the collapse of the monarchy. We explore the shift into secular systems and ideas of a separated Church and State as applied to a new world order giving birth to a radical generation of artists, designers, scientists, architects and social change agents. And how those forces are still at play as new rising generations are either reacting to these influences or institutionalizing.


The Pathways Innovation Center


Native Habitat Design